Gratitude Lori Guenther Reesor Gratitude Lori Guenther Reesor

Slow gratitude for when your feet hurt

What are you grateful for? Do you have difficulty feeling grateful? That seems normal. The lyricist doesn’t tell us to tough it out or march onwards regardless of our pain. He suggests hitting pause…. I wonder if gratitude requires listening for God’s whispers of hope and listening means slowing down. Slow gratitude.

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Fundraising, Donor Relations, church Lori Guenther Reesor Fundraising, Donor Relations, church Lori Guenther Reesor

ABCs: Annual Blessing of Charitable receipts - Part 3, Thank-you letters

There is no need to send a thank-you letter if you don’t care whether or not the donor gives again. That’s the fundraising angle, but to me this is a theological question. If you’re not grateful to God for the person’s contribution to your church, why is that? Each donation tells a story. Someone cares enough about your organization to send money. Your ministry is that important to them.

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