Food, sunlight and air

Food, sunlight and air. All good gifts from God. Where would we be without them?

Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153) began his list of the innumerable good gifts from God with “food, sunlight and air.” That’s still a good starting point for gratitude, almost 1,000 years on. I’m grateful for the Generosity Monk, who cited Bernard in his blog today.

I give regular pep talks to my houseplants (pictured.) The days are getting longer, I remind them. Soon and very soon, we can all sit out on the back deck.

A friend once told me, “if you’re grateful, you see hope.” That’s true. My plants and I hope for spring. We pay attention to the signs.

I listen to the news. And I try to practice gratitude, a gratitude deeper than my circumstances. Gratitude helps me to pay attention to God’s gifts. Today, my houseplants (and Bernard of Clairvaux) remind me to be grateful for gifts of food, sunlight and air. What are you grateful for today?


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